M4 Ranch Group Blog

How E-Plus is changing the Game for Elk Hunting in New Mexico

EPlus - Elk - New Mexico Guide

If you are already a landowner in New Mexico or are thinking of becoming a New Mexico Ranch owner, understanding E-Plus and its impact on Hunting Elk is crucial.

EPLUS in New Mexico is significantly impacting Elk Hunting in the state in several ways, from the distribution of hunting opportunities, to the economic and conservation impact.

In this article, I want to help you understand the ‘Elk Private Land Use System’, alongside its incentives and rewards.

As a lifetime New Mexico resident, Ranch owner, Ranch Manager and Outfitter of 25+ years… I’ve had the opportunity to learn a few things when it comes to New Mexico’s Private Land and Hunting… and this is 1 of them:

Read on to learn more…

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What is E-PLUS?

EPLUS is an abbreviation for the “Elk Private Lands Use System”, a program initiated by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish to enhance elk management and hunting opportunities on private lands. It allows qualifying private landowners to receive a portion of the State’s elk hunting licenses, and recognizes the crucial role private lands play in supporting elk populations and provides a framework for landowners and hunters to collaborate effectively.

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish has published several articles that explain the EPLUS system in depth. For more information on where your land may be located within the EPLUS system, mapping and a full description of the EPLUS program visit:

How does it Work?

The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish issues private-land elk authorizations to eligible landowners in the Primary and Special Zones through the EPLUS program. These authorizations can then be bartered, sold, or traded to hunters.

An authorization is then used by hunters, to buy a private land elk license.

Application and Eligibility

  • To qualify for E Plus, private landowners must apply to participate in the system, the specific criteria must be met based on land size, game populations, and habitat management potential

Management Zones

  • The state is divided into three different elk management zones:
    • Primary Zones
      • These are areas of the state where elk license numbers are set by the commission, harvest objectives are determined, and the distribution of public elk licenses and private-land authorizations is strictly regulated and distributed through an acre-based formula
    • Secondary Zones
      • These areas are outside the Primary and Special Management Zones where no specific elk management goals are set. In these areas, private-land licenses are available over-the-counter for private land in unlimited numbers; however, individuals must have a Ranch Code to purchase a license (received from a landowner who is registered through the EPLUS program). In addition, hunters must obtain written permission from the landowner
    • Special Management Zones
      • GMU 54 west of NM State Road 199 and 55A
      • These areas are in quality elk habitat areas, but the majority of land is owned by private landowners. Private-land authorizations on these ranches are allocated through a negotiation between the department and the ranch managers (on a ranch by-ranch basis)

Differences between Ranch-Only and Unit-Wide Authorizations?

  • Ranch Only
    • These licenses are limited to specific ranches and are restricted in terms of access
    • You can pick any 5 days between your season dates
  • Unit Wide
    • These allow hunters with written permission to hunt on all the public and private land that you have permission to hunt on
    • This can however be extremely catch 22, as you have to allow access to your property by the public!

What are the benefits to Landowners?

The benefits are as follows:

  • Elk Habitat Improvement
    • Landowners can enhance their elk habitat and be incentivized with additional tags. They can do this through conservation efforts including water development, planting vegetation, and creating wildlife corridors
    • The E plus program ultimately encourages wildlife habitat improvement, to benefit not only the landowner but also the wildlife itself
  • Flexibility in Tag Distribution
    • The E plus program offers the landowner flexible tags to hunt when you have the time or when the wildlife is on your property… instead of a set date
  • Economic Incentives
    • These E plus tags are highly coveted tags in New Mexico, as you can use them or market them to hunters all over (some tags sell for upwards of $30-$40k)

Bonus Tags

If you are working with The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF), to improve habitat for Elk you may be surprised to know that there are some perks. The perks known more formally as “Bonus Tags” can be appealing to landowners that have a smaller acreage, with a high number of Elk that don’t receive very many Elk Tags.

Here are some suggestions that can help private landowners both large and small to receive more bonus Elk Tags:

  • Ranch Improvements
    • Develop year round water access: putting in dirt ponds or “stock tanks” and capturing rainfall
    • Planting native grasses instead of food plots
    • Upgrading existing fences to Elk friendly fences
    • Placing trail cameras to document Elk on your property
  • Ranch Management
    • Ranch management is key when you are working to make your land a good habitat for wildlife. If you have a place that the wildlife is comfortable in and additionally naturally inhabit, managing that land correctly by keeping good water sources, not over grazing with livestock and limiting access during the breeding season can substantially maximize your land’s ability to attract and maintain wildlife

Not only can you improve and maintain your private land, but also be rewarded by NMDGF with the incentive of bonus tags.

What are the benefits to Hunters?

The benefits are as follows:

  • Expanded Hunting Opportunities
    • New Mexico is abundant with hunting opportunities, including the pursuit of elk. Hunters can either apply for elk hunting opportunities through the public draw, or obtain elk hunting opportunities from private landowners via the EPLUS program
    • This opens up private and public ground to hunt on which would otherwise be restricted
  • Unit-Wide Access
    • Hunters have an opportunity to hunt more diverse ground and increase their chance of success
  • Scouting and Hunting Flexibility
    • For private land hunters, it offers more flexibility with the dates reducing the pressure on the public ground

What are the Rules and Regulations?

The rules and regulations as follows:

  • Public Access on Unit-Wide Ranches
    • When the landowner applies for unit wide tags it opens access to the public to hunt the ranch, there are several apps to log in to see what private land is opened up through the E plus program
  • Written Permission
    • Written permission is not required on open ranches that are designated , you can also hunt on other ranches with authorization in secondary zones
  • Hunt Dates and Duration
    • Primary Zones
      • Authorizations for the Primary Zone are typically available by late May
    • Secondary Zones
      • Private-land elk licenses in the Secondary Zone are unlimited and available over-the counter by means of a Ranch Code received from a landowner who is registered through the EPLUS program
    • Special Management Zones
      • Typically by mid-June
  • Harvest Reporting
    • Harvest reporting is mandatory for all licensed elk hunters
    • Licensed elk hunters who do not report, will be ineligible the following year for all special entry hunt applications, population management authorizations, and private-land authorizations

Application Deadlines

  • EPlus
    • January 5th to sign up for the E plus system
  • Harvest Report
    • The deadline to file a harvest report for an elk license is February 15th

EPLUS Program Application – Step By Step Instructions

The EPLUS program determines how private-land elk authorizations are distributed depending on which elk management zone the property is in. Landowners wishing to participate in the EPLUS program must fill out the correct application and adhere to any related application deadlines.

Instructions below:

  • Visit the following website:
  • Scroll down and click on:
    • ‘EPLUS – Elk Private Lands Use System Information, applications and forms’ link
  • Click on:
    • ‘MGMT ZONE MAP’ link
  • Proceed to the ‘Interactive Map’ (click and view)
    • Designed to help hunters & landowners find the appropriate Elk Management Zones
  • Interact with the map to determine what unit and zone your application is for:
    • Click on the ‘Units’ to display – a pop-up window of information and clickable links
  • Once you determine your unit and zone, click on ‘Landowners’
  • Scroll down and click:
    • ‘my property is in the……..management zone’ (drop down selection – select your zone)
  • Once you have selected your property zone, there will be a list of instructions explaining that zone and a link at the end for your application
    • Read before clicking the link
  • Click ‘new application’
  • Complete your application and send to NMDGF
    • Before the January deadline

Author: Butch

Butch Porter is an associate broker with M4 Ranch Group. Born and raised on a working cattle ranch in New Mexico he learned early the value and appreciation of the land around him, horsemanship and the operations necessary to make a cattle ranch successful. As a teen his passion for hunting and the outdoors began and initiated the next 20 years in developing the experience to become a professional hunter.

Hunting all over the southwest has given him the opportunity to harvest many trophy big game animals in the best elk and deer country God put on this earth. His vast hunting experience led Butch to become an Outfitter in New Mexico and Colorado which allowed him to work with other sportsman that share a passion for hunting big game in the southwest.

Combining his experience with ranch life, hunting and a true passion for the outdoors, He then put this his knowledge and experience to work in applying himself to Ranch Management, successfully building and managing some of the best big game hunting ranches in New Mexico.

Through his dedication he has earned the respect and friendships of many clients and peers as well as being an award winning ranch broker. He continues to excel and strives to be one of the best in the industry.

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